Robert Spaemann , German philosopher and theologian, enjoys great popularity to continue in Christian apologetics community I understand you a lot of good will can not . This self-appointed defenders of the hallucinated natural law, which is purely random way, identical to his own opinion, gave the Catholic newspaper for politics, society and culture, "the daily mail" an interview .
daily mail: Why you have to take the information from themselves in protection? See themselves as she is the courage of his mind without Anleitung eines anderen zu bedienen. Sie sollte also ganz gut alleine zurechtkommen ...
Spaemann: Der erste, der das sah, war Nietzsche. Nietzsche schreibt einmal, dass die Aufklärung letzten Endes zum Atheismus führe. Wenn aber dieses Ziel erreicht wird, wird die Aufklärung selbst sinnlos, denn sie bringt eine Voraussetzung mit, die sie vom Christentum geerbt hat, nämlich dass es Wahrheit gibt und – wie Nietzsche sagt – dass die Wahrheit göttlich ist. Wenn es Gott nicht gibt, sagte Nietzsche, dann gibt es keine Wahrheit, dann gibt es nur die individuellen Perspektiven jedes Menschen auf die Welt, und die Frage nach einer wahren Perspektive stellt sich nicht, denn that would be the perspective of God. If this is so, it follows that the accounts of the Enlightenment was pointless in retrospect.
I come to a total of six false conclusions.
First Chewbacca defense . These I define as an argument that is riddled with so many logical fallacies that an unraveling of the individual, even under the greatest strain is no longer possible. I would like to try it but still.
Second straw man argument . "The education is based . That truth is divine. "Ehm No
Third.. argument from authority Spaemann his argument is not just in the historical context (" Nietzsche was the first ") but does Nietzsche claims without reflection (as Nietzsche says)
Fourth.. unproven assertion (not yet included in my list ) "Truth can only be divine." On this bare assertion is based Spaemann whole argument, the sense of. reasoning, it should be, however, a controversial due to a controversial less. Spaemann does exactly the opposite.
Fifth: A smooth oxymoron. "Only God can know the truth." Here Spaemann used in the all too popular apologists gap in the theory of knowledge: " I know nothing with absolute certainty , except that I exist ." This gap, however, based not on the incompleteness of knowledge, but is caused by the subjectivity of the increase in knowledge. Even if the personal God that is omniscient (yet another unproven assertion) would then also he would have no access to absolute truth, just because it would be an individual. Either God So staff or has access to the truth in Spaemannschen sense.
Sixth false dichotomy . "If there is not the divine truth, then only the subjective perspective of the people left." And here "forgets" Spaemann intersubjective truths, truths that is relevant to several individuals equally recognizable. Coincidentally, the science is based on exactly this notion of truth and Spaemann simply ignored this him so hated method for gaining knowledge.
also occurs Spaemann then against homosexuals:
What can I say more?A person who lacks the natural attraction to the opposite sex can be in many respects a noble and good man. This does not change the fact that the absence of heterosexual attraction lacks something important.