Thursday, November 25, 2010

Has Any Famous Person Contracted Hpv

Friday, 26.11. inside the haunted cinema:
City Lights (1931)

by and starring Charlie Chaplin

Start: 20.30 clock

City Lights begins with a hilarious parody of pompous formalities and ends in one of the most famous closing shot in film history. It concerns us from start to finish so warmly and shook our diaphragm, that he had in 1998 by the American Film Institute in the list of 100 best American films included wurde.Der sound film has already established itself as the Charles Chaplin stubbornly against the new type of filmmaking braced and turned these immortal classics without dialogue - the soundtrack is just music and sounds to hören. Die Geschichte zeigt die Versuche des Tramps, Geld für eine Operation zu verdienen, durch die ein blindes Blumenmädchen das Augenlicht wieder erlangen soll. Dadurch schafft sich der Star einen idealen Rahmen für Gags und große Gefühle. Der Tramp jobbt abwechselnd als Straßenkehrer und Boxer, er gibt sich als reicher Mann aus und bewahrt einen Millionär vor dem Selbstmord.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Cant Stop Eating Swollen Stomache

record attendance at premieres music

So, nachdem ich nun tagelang darauf gewartet habe, dass Georg das von ihm live aufgenommene Video auf den blog hier stellt, muss ich wohl selbst aktiv werden ;-)
Ich habe zwar nur Fotos zu bieten, die sind aber auch nicht ohne. Obwohl es diesmal zweifellos eines wirklichen Weitwinkels bedurft hätte die Zusehermassen im spuks ordentlich ins Bild zu rücken. Kinder inklusive waren etwa 70 Personen zu Gast als sich die von Bernhard Graf und Alfred Proschinger kürzlich gegründete Band erstmals präsentierte. Und sie waren - wie zahlreiche Reaktionen zeigten - restlos begeistert, was hier geboten wurde.
In wechselnden Variationen spielten sie mal folkig, mal bluesig, mal puren Jazz. Mal waren es eher traditionals, mal Eigenkompositionen, mal Eigentextungen. Fad wurde einem an diesem Abend sicher nicht  und wir hoffen sehr, dass wir öfter solche tollen Gigs hier im spuks präsentieren können. Starzing war jedenfalls zugparkt wie bei einem Volksfest.

Bernhard Graf am Bass and his daughter Winja Fried tree, which did an impressive performance.

Richard took care of thinking for those of Bernhard sometimes quite spontaneously called-up guitar solos.

drummer Chris Gruber has come all the way from Mank. He joined the band from scratch, built at his "live test" but magnificent.

And in between on a break in the courtyard. Billie's emphasis on the finding that it is only by chance in the smoking group. Jackie and Kurt can confirm that gladly.

was difficult to get through to the musicians. Medieval, were young and youth representatives in the audience about the same strength.

"Posaunito Alfred Lackner certainly had the best explanation for the number of visitors. This was, he noted, no doubt to the pretty pictures wonderful of him, which was recently the event was announced here on the blog. Well, we want this effect, but send the same with the photo here in the extension.

Alfred P. has been a vision as the only way the band mean. We'll see whether asserting his proposal: "Fred vom Jupiter Space Band

The audience anyway looking forward to all that the future because the haunted attractions yet to come to us.

for next Friday evening at the club we know already: From 20 clock we show Charlie Chaplin's masterpiece "City Lights": one of the most charming and funniest films of all time!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Pokemon Ruby Cheats On Ipod

A heart-chorus song with notes

For those who want to replay the piece, Bernard has taken the trouble to write it down properly. So is learning to good morning ;-). Sunday at 14 clock is the latest release.

     Zagreb  by spuks heartchor          (Original: “Moab” – Conor Oberst)         
     D, G, Em, A, D, G, A         
       D         Em         
   The hob of Mitleid aufbraucht     
          G                              D                 
     Drum moch ma jetzt an deal.         
              D                             G         A         
   Hoss Wed waunnst quiet Wed dafia mogst.     
       D     ;     Em         
   waunn And I Was wost are     
       G         D         
   I go there way aus'n     
       D         G         In     ;       A         
   And I wü'ma a net ausborg'n dei Glick, the host you g'sammlt     
       Em         A         
   herbal owe to my Kölla     
   Em         A         
   You stay dein'Schloß only     
                     D                             G                       D         
   There is nothing, wos de Strossn net today     
       D         G         D         
   There is nothing, wos de Strossn net today     
       D         G         D         
   There is nothing, wos de Strossn net today     
       D         G         D         
   There is nothing, wos de Strossn net today     
       D A         ;     Em G         
   Since the dirt brecklt vo Raf'm remains Pickner on asphalt     
       D         G         D         
   There is nothing, wos de Strossn net today     
   ---- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------     
   Solo: D, G, Em, A, D, G, A     
   ------------------- --------------------------------------------------     
    D  ;     In     
   sog'n you, de ned for Sunn appears imma     
       G         D         
   Owa is the ma a'foch z'floch          
                D                                      G                           A          
   I zag's Eich - Loss olle Grenz'n price mia     
       D         Em         
   Liachta either ma entgeg'n          
                 G                              D                 
     de Leit foan olle z´ruck           
                   D         G         
   In a Leb'm, niemois of them, well     
   Em            A                 
     Niemois fia haum woin.         
                     Em                            A         
   Owa net look like you grief aus'n Radl     
       Em     ;     A         
   Waunnst ned wasst, you put in it mitt'n     
   ------------------------------------------- ---------------------     
       D         G         D         
   There is nothing, wos de Strossn net today     
       D         G         D         
   There is nothing, wos de Strossn net today     
       D         G         D         
   There is nothing, wos de Strossn net today     
       D             G                           D                 
     Es gibt nix, wos de Strossn net heut         
                D                     A                                           Em                    G                 
   Since the dirt  brecklt vo Raf'm remains Pickner on asphalt     
       D     ;     G         D         
   There is nothing, wos de Strossn net today     
   ---------------------- ------------------------------------------     
   D'vaplempan guidance only their time     
     Woin ihr Leb´m auffrisier´n         
                      D                            A                         G         
   And they moch'n ollas fia neich'n to look     
   G         A         
   suction from 1 to 10 - is exactly the'm 10 I wos.     
   D         A         G         
   Nulla A is the Geg'nteu vo mia     
       D         A         G         
   suction ma wos du wü'st     
       D         A         G         
   Is the weniga ois five?     
       D         A                    G                 
     Is des weniga ois fünf?         
     Cm / G / Cm / G / Cm – Hm – A – G /         
     Gitarre solo:          
                     D                             G                           D         
   It   is nothing, wos de Strossn net today       
       D         G     ;          D                 
     Es gibt nix, wos de Strossn net heut         
                    D                             A                 
     Jetzt bin I boid in Zagreb      
       Em         G         
   Fü'mia the tank on voi     
       D         G     ;     D         
   There is nothing, wos de Strossn net today     
       D , A                                            Em                    G                 
      Da Dreck brecklt vo die Raf´m, bleibt pickn am Asphalt         
                     D                             G                           D         
   There is nothing, wos de Strossn net today     

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Genital Acne A Symptom Of

Malick Masterpiece "Badlands"

The club on Friday evening we will screen the classic film "Badlands " from the year 1973. This is a work of Terence Malick , the legendary director who staged during his career total of only three films. These three However, to masterpieces of film history (the other two are "In the Days of Heaven" and "The Thin Red Line").

Badlands tells the love story of the rebellious Kit and his new friend Holly, a sheltered citizen daughter. When Holly's father, Kit, vehemently rejects the relationship, shoot fly, the two move and - pursued by the police - a bloody swath through the southern United States. About the moving account of disorientation, love and violence, Malick has created a provocative and fascinating portrait at the same time have gotten off track People. The film made the two main characters Martin Sheen and Sissy Spacek , which here plays her first leading role, known to a wider audience. Martin Sheen was six years later for his starring role in "Apocalypse Now" world star. Started (Wii from 16)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Accepted Value For Waters Of Hydration

Sunday: exciting live music in the film inside the haunted haunting

it with a harmless "gimmick" between these two - in the haunting well-known - Men: Bernhard dragged his amplifier to Alfred - and then they started - with bass and piano to rehearse .

What Bernard has music on it, he was already the haunting summer festival.

soon joined trombonist Alfred Lackner of the lot, and the samples were intense, the style - probably due to Alfred L'influence (see photos below) - clearly an eccentric.

And now the band is even and is sixth on Sunday from 14.00 - 18.00 clock in presenting the following basic formation:

  • Chris Gruber - drums
  • Bernhard Graf - Bass
  • Alfred Proschinger - Piano
  • Richard Denk - guitar
  • Alfred Lackner - trombone
  • Winja tree Fried - voice

Bernhard describes the program that awaits us, so:
"An extensive afternoon with a rotating cast of people with a passion .. listen to the music and make music we play always the same but always different, "
The repertory also includes two songs of the haunting heart choir - whose members probably also engage in one way or another, the action is.
All the other musicians in the area of \u200b\u200bthe haunting are invited to bring your instruments and the second or third or fourth version of the pieces to give a separate and new direction.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Canyou Use Bell Dish For Shaw Direct

Friday: Please vote

Friday from 20 clock we make three films to choose from. Right of the page you see a poll. Who wants to come to the cinema is haunted, please first vote here. This registration is not necessary. Just click.

The first film of choice is "Invictus," a sports drama from Clint Eastwood to Morgan Freeman in the role of South African President Nelson Mandela. He asked the white rugby star Matt Damon so to train for the championships, a team of blacks and prepare for the competition.

here as a foretaste of the trailer:

The second film from British director Steven Frears and Helen Mirren as the brilliant in the role of "Queen".

Here I found no German Trailer:

And the third film is "The Little Asshole" by Walter Moers. Vulgar, cheeky, funny.

So, pull over and vote!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Borderless Brochure Printer

Lady Cameo Earrings

After a few stressful days, I have finally time to feed back to my blog with new pictures.

for the upcoming markets, I've made some new earrings, including the Lady Cameo Ohrringe :

Ich habe sie in 4 verschiedenen Farben gefertigt, wie auf den Bildern zu erkennen ist. Die Cabochons haben eine Größe von 18x13mm. Mir gefallen sie super gut. Ich finde, sie haben so einen antiken Look.


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Does Walgreens Have Xbox Live

Missed the Boat - New Song for chorus heart?

Friday, November 5, 2010

Baitbus Is It Real Or Not=

Today "Y Tu Mama Tambien"

Ab 19 Uhr ist heute im spuks wieder Vereinsabend mit einem Film (ab 20 Uhr) der Extraklasse: Y Tu Mamá Tambien (Regie: Alfonso Cuaron) handelt von zwei pubertierenden Jugendlichen (Tennoch und Julio), für die es nur zwei tagesfüllende Themen gibt: Sex und Drogen. Als sie auf einer Party die zehn Jahre ältere, attraktive und verheiratete Spanierin Luisa kennen lernen, beginnen ihre Hormone noch heftiger zu brodeln. Aus Jux bieten sie ihr eine Reise zum schönsten Badestrand Mexicos an, der aber nur in ihrer Fantasie existiert. Luisa, die gerade entdeckt hat, dass ihr Mann sie betrügt, willigt überraschend ein. Ein erotischer Road-Trip beginnt, in dessen Verlauf Luisa den beiden Grünschnäbeln a lesson in love granted.
If the text is written on the back of the DVD.
Y tu Mama Tambien is much more than a teen comedy. I still would like to quote a review that comes very close to the true film:

Cuaron shows the normality of young people in Mexico who belong to the upper or middle class and very little from that of young people in many other countries seems to differ. The lives of their parents Julio and Tenoch not care, so that they can not do anything, even if they always have enough money to go their own ways to buy drugs or whatever else they need. Perhaps it is this adapted Normality, which in many reviews of the film critics tempted to have a quite banal story about pubertal development, as found by millions worldwide - at least in the countries of the northern hemisphere - to see, as a way to adulthood.

But this impression is misleading. Both the story of Julio, Tenoch and Luisa and the many scattered, in the style of television news reports are kept playing so dry and objective, that is sometimes an eerie feel.

just the sex scenes seem like a desperate attempt by Julio and Tenoch, the joy of life found in the climax, always again, no matter with whom. The days in between are marked by boredom, drugs and waiting for the next opportunity.

"Y tu mamá tambien" - Lust for Life! - A socially critical film? Yes, but not in a simple sense of: your drugs will cost your life with sex, while the poor farmers ...
The fate is the subject of the film at the same time not. It meets all three of the one part hard. On the other hand, their fate is completely meaningless, because they can look back on what? Luisa wonders whether and how long someone will remind you when it is dead again. But this question fades away in the stream of randomness as an imperceptible breeze, der schon am nächsten Tag vergessen ist.

Maribel Verdu, Gael Garcia Bernal (der u.a. in Amores Perros zu sehen war) und Diego Luna machen im übrigen ihre Sache wirklich einmalig gut.

„Y tu mama tambien“ ist ein Film über eine Welt, die sich selbst genügsam, selbstgerecht geworden ist, in der die Frage nach irgendeinem Sinn, dem man seinem Leben gibt, oder nach dem Schicksal anderer verloren gegangen zu sein scheint wie ein Unwetter im heißen Sommer, das nächste Woche nicht mehr erinnert werden wird. „Y tu mamá también“ heißt Mit deiner Mutter auch, mit deiner Mutter habe ich auch geschlafen, und es kommt noch nicht einmal darauf an, ob dies wahr ist oder eine boastful lie, it's all about the importance of this proposition, namely that it's become meaningless if it's true or not.

Cuarón was making a serious, dramatic yet humorous film about a boring life world of any meaning is lost - without charges or educational index finger, but with a lot of sarcastic and critical tone flavor. Nobody knows what's important in life. No one is ever the question of what it might arrive. Even death is meaningless in the face of this situation.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Genital Acne A Symptom Of Std

Mama comes with the cake