Friday, December 31, 2010

Studentculinary Cover Letter

Spaemann: master of logical fallacies

Robert Spaemann , German philosopher and theologian, enjoys great popularity to continue in Christian apologetics community I understand you a lot of good will can not . This self-appointed defenders of the hallucinated natural law, which is purely random way, identical to his own opinion, gave the Catholic newspaper for politics, society and culture, "the daily mail" an interview .

I just want to pick apart and take a quote. We count the logical fallacies :
daily mail: Why you have to take the information from themselves in protection? See themselves as she is the courage of his mind without Anleitung eines anderen zu bedienen. Sie sollte also ganz gut alleine zurechtkommen ...
Spaemann: Der erste, der das sah, war Nietzsche. Nietzsche schreibt einmal, dass die Aufklärung letzten Endes zum Atheismus führe. Wenn aber dieses Ziel erreicht wird, wird die Aufklärung selbst sinnlos, denn sie bringt eine Voraussetzung mit, die sie vom Christentum geerbt hat, nämlich dass es Wahrheit gibt und – wie Nietzsche sagt – dass die Wahrheit göttlich ist. Wenn es Gott nicht gibt, sagte Nietzsche, dann gibt es keine Wahrheit, dann gibt es nur die individuellen Perspektiven jedes Menschen auf die Welt, und die Frage nach einer wahren Perspektive stellt sich nicht, denn that would be the perspective of God. If this is so, it follows that the accounts of the Enlightenment was pointless in retrospect.
I come to a total of six false conclusions.

First Chewbacca defense . These I define as an argument that is riddled with so many logical fallacies that an unraveling of the individual, even under the greatest strain is no longer possible. I would like to try it but still.

Second straw man argument . "The education is based . That truth is divine. "Ehm No

Third.. argument from authority Spaemann his argument is not just in the historical context (" Nietzsche was the first ") but does Nietzsche claims without reflection (as Nietzsche says)

Fourth.. unproven assertion (not yet included in my list ) "Truth can only be divine." On this bare assertion is based Spaemann whole argument, the sense of. reasoning, it should be, however, a controversial due to a controversial less. Spaemann does exactly the opposite.

Fifth: A smooth oxymoron. "Only God can know the truth." Here Spaemann used in the all too popular apologists gap in the theory of knowledge: " I know nothing with absolute certainty , except that I exist ." This gap, however, based not on the incompleteness of knowledge, but is caused by the subjectivity of the increase in knowledge. Even if the personal God that is omniscient (yet another unproven assertion) would then also he would have no access to absolute truth, just because it would be an individual. Either God So staff or has access to the truth in Spaemannschen sense.

Sixth false dichotomy . "If there is not the divine truth, then only the subjective perspective of the people left." And here "forgets" Spaemann intersubjective truths, truths that is relevant to several individuals equally recognizable. Coincidentally, the science is based on exactly this notion of truth and Spaemann simply ignored this him so hated method for gaining knowledge.

also occurs Spaemann then against homosexuals:
A person who lacks the natural attraction to the opposite sex can be in many respects a noble and good man. This does not change the fact that the absence of heterosexual attraction lacks something important.
What can I say more?

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Jesse Jane Streaming Iphone

violet video church finances

Complex Hemorrhagic Cyst

Philosoraptor on God's Atheism

A r / atheism found object

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Female Platypus Price

Where is the hate on

Christians hate . hate church. Islam hate . religious hatred. hatred. hatred. hatred. Everywhere there is hatred . Wherever you look.

At least when you look into the minds of quite a few believers.

Sun is the least popular and frequently used charge given to us poor and certainly not as a rule-hating atheists. But maybe I should emphasize that again. While there are quite a few properties of the faith and its representatives that bring me up the wall. Here is a representative the degrading bondage of the faithful to their God (or Gods) mentioned. But I do not really hate. Neither the Christians nor the Muslims nor Hindus, Jews, and yet in my experience is similar for most of the committed atheists.

The question is then to identify why the believer thinks so much hatred, when there are to see any. Certainly he is skilled at things (Sinn!) to perceive where there are none. But why the hatred and even in us atheists? Where does all the hate?

course of believers themselves

But wait. Before one accuses me of simply projecting and argumentative side with throwing grenades at me you should at least know my reasoning.

, imagine, then, looking deeply and sincerely believes in something completely nonsensical or silly (God, homeopathy, the intellectual honesty of a Püttmann ). It has built its identity on this ridiculous and is perhaps even diffuse aware that this base is really ridiculous. Then comes in so therefore a skeptical man and dares to call the ridiculous look ridiculous. That hurt. Deep. The skeptic does not just only the beliefs but his own identity in itself! How we can be a different person just something ? Do to Why would he want to hurt us just as hard? For this he must be a reason! And since he would then be: the hate.

The believer looks so bare for an explanation of the infringing conduct of his counterpart and finds it in the changeling hatred.

swings As a nice side effect of the hate charge with whatever the charge of irrationality, which will not only undermine the credibility of the skeptic. In addition, with irrational people can not, of course diskutuieren well, which conveniently frees the believer from the burden of actually times with the arguments the other side zu beschäftigen.

Aber, mein lieber Theist, in einer Diskussion über Glaubensinhalte ist ein Angriff auf die Identität unumgänglich, wenn diese Identität auf genau diesen Glaubensinhalten aufgebaut wurde. Die Verletzung der in diesem Kontext dann so genannten religiösen Gefühlen ist - leider - unvermeidbar. Sorry.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Pain In Legs Autoimmune Disease

Philosoraptor God's Birthday

Ein r/pics Fundstück

Thursday, December 23, 2010

I Weighed More After I Pooped

New Year's Eve party in the haunting songs of revolution

increases the haunting again this year a proper New Year's Eve party to which all are invited. The celebration begins as against 18 clock.
As usual, we invite you to bring contributions to the food and drink. We will set up a big buffet for general use.
do Just as in the previous year we're releasing a wine-tasting. Defender Billy Pilgrim is a sensational hit rate. This time we want to provide only good wines to choose from. Gags with Tetra Pak wine or other studs will be no more this year because we have had the experience that this will taste all the wines worse.
So who would like to put a special bottle of wine for the food available - thank you very much!

Heuer, there will be continuous music for dancing - several DJs have already announced their participation. Live music is also nice. The exact sequence, we meet in the evenings. Anyone who has ideas for special deposits (eg, fire show, belly dance, Bobbycar-throwing, etc.) Please register in advance on the haunting (tel: 02772-55183).

Several years ago we made a pilgrimage to midnight on the book by Starzing mountain (which we do not this year). As viewed from above come from a missile so small

fireworks This time again. Kurt has announced for example that he brings extremely explosive.

regard to parking: Please Starzing used in only the left hand side. You may have to park at the city limit, a good tip is the cross road that connects the two Hauptstaße.

Of the applications this year is a very young audience - have signed up many people aged 18 to 30
will be fun whatever - we look forward to a nice party!

How Long Should A Blunt Burn For

Just think of a Jesus!

Ein r/atheism Fundstück

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Jewelry Party Food Ideas

were ... last Sunday from the premises of the haunting sound. Fortified by a delicious chilli con carne, the Erika had brought, and a pack of tortillas, a variety of sauces and a very mild - but all the more precious tequila, the Heinz contributed.
And here are some of its singers.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Really Cheap Scooter Wheels

Today ... Johnny Depp and Leonardo di Caprio

"Gilbert Grape" is the film that is shown today from 20 clock in the haunting. It is the first film by Leonardo DiCaprio in the role of the mentally handicapped younger brother of Gilbert Grape, the Johnny Depp is.

to action: It is the upcoming 18th
Birthday of Arnie (Leonardo DiCaprio), to which is to rise a great festival, its preparation by the family of five in their haunts Grape-table discussions, the ailing in a Cottage in the small town of Endora too quiet lives in Iowa. The father hung himself several years ago in the basement, the massively obese mother Bonnie (Darlene Cates) is leaving for ages no longer the house and spends her days and nights, as there, lashed to a bed in the living room where family life takes place and from which their two sons and two daughters with a last scrap of motherly compassion usually conducted mild. Your concern is valid, especially Arnie, for in spite of his biological age, the development of the boy on the stand of a small child, and his older sister Amy (Laura Harrington) and Gilbert (Johnny Depp) as well as the bitchy teenager Ellen (Mary Kate Schellhardt) - most reluctantly and angrily - take care of the careless brother, the main burden is on Gilbert, may accompany the Arnie also to work in a small grocery store.
What he still expected of his young life, thinks about it only after Gilbert, when he and the equally distinctive as clever Becky (Juliette Lewis) has a conversation, waiting in the area with her grandmother on the repair of their vehicle to the mobile home to move on. It starts a busy time of change in Grapes and especially with Gilbert, who in the course of events feels the fierce desire to desolate backwater, and its enormous power consuming family easy to leave behind ...
Multiple awards, nominated for Leonardo DiCaprio as best supporting actor for an Oscar as well at the box office a great success is Gilbert Grape - is somewhere in Iowa with a charming family film, especially because of the lovely drawing of the simple in its humanity almost touching, oblique characters is staggering.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Culinary Review, and Revolutionary Preview

The last two Sundays we went inside the haunted her culinary high. Here are a few snapshots. First
the beautiful fondue feast with a lot of great sauces:

stood Finally, the common Cookie baking and the creation of chocolates in the program. The spitting exuded great foods like butter cookies and chocolate.

The children made lots of chocolates, such as rolled marzipan balls and dipped them in chocolate. For hours was amicable full employment.

The photo I have the same post on Facebook, "said Michael. Because of my friends believe me no one else that I bake cookies.

Liesl with a fresh batch of cookies to the oven.

And Finally, each family went with a big box of various delicacies home.

As with fondue or make cookie baking more and more members simply haunting use of the option, here with nice people turn ideas.

for next Sunday, Heinz has made a proposal: He finds that it is possible with the contemplative Advent exaggerate and loads from 14 to clock a Latin-inspired Revolutionary afternoon. He takes a few Mexican specialties (such as nachos with guacamole, churros, perhaps Mezcal) and of course his guitar and singing songs collection with extensive Revolution -. by himself imported from Nicaragua

All are cordially invited to sing along. Especially of course, the colleagues from the haunting hartCor.
As you can see, the spelling changed constantly. The naming process seems not yet completely finished.
HartCor is certainly a great version, Heinz said: is it hard - almost heart, and the Cor sounds like a choir, as it is written here, but it is also heart: halt in English.
The whole would be a kind of mixture . From hard but
And so yes, the Mexican food is - and the revolution anyway.

So then brings something revolutionary fire in the Advent and is planning a Sunday afternoon in a haunting

Studying Medicine After A Phd

gingerbread men

have a few weeks ago I baked gingerbread men.

The recipe I had from the blog of Jenni Pauli . The gingerbread men have really tasted absolutely fantastic.

Here are some pictures from the jaws:

After baking, I'm the gingerbread men also provided with icing. You still have to get a face and buttons.

LG, Natasha

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Cookinggrease Plug My Drain

"Nice Guy" in the haunting

are Friday evening at the club this time a bizarre comedy by Detlef Buck. We can differently from the year 1993.

The two read-illiterate brothers and Rudi (Joachim Krol) and Moritz Kipp (Horst Krause) ("tilt" and "Most") take an old Hanomag truck to Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, where the house of her grandmother geerbt haben. Da sie Autokarten und Straßenschilder nicht entziffern können und der ohnehin langsame Wagen technische Probleme bereitet, zieht sich die Fahrt länger hin als erwartet. Zumal auch noch allerlei Hindernisse wie ein entlaufener Rotarmist oder Wegelagerer auftauchen. Der Film versprüht Detlev Bucks trockenen Humor und lebt von der liebevollen Zeichnung seiner Hauptfiguren. Er ist jugendfrei ab 6 Jahren.

Und so beschrieben die Kino-Redakteure von Prisma-Online den Film:
Nach seiner Flachland-Komödie ‚Karniggels‘ (1991), die es zum Geheimtip brachte, war diese skurrile Komödie with strong bonds to Western's first major box office success for Detlev Buck. At the same time experienced Joachim Krol, who later also, moving the man 'made a deep impression, with the role of the equally dumb as witty Rudi his breakthrough. Detlev Buck's humor is, as (almost) always, characterized by understatement. Laughter is created through the direct opening action of a permanent down-playing the most absurd events.
"Nice Guy" was revived in 1993 in the award of the German film awards, the awards for best film, best actor, best screenplay and best music.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Economist Student Subscription

Sunday: baking cookies with Monika

Last Sunday, when we put grad in the midst of demanding and funny drawing up a new song for the ghost hard chor, snow pure Monika Rammel to announce a nice invitation:

Monika would like next Sunday, together with all interested parties Christmas in the haunting baking cookies.
The jaws start as against 14 clock. Monika will bring a lot of ingredients, who would like to bring along what is, and of course welcome condition, says Monica, but it is not.
She will present two different cookie recipes, here are other suggestions of course possible.

Also: Advent baking, happy, Sunday afternoon in the haunting.

photo: Creative Commons/julep67

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Omeprazole For Horses

Friday: Fargo, Sundays: Fondue?

Friday evening at the club we want to spukskino (20 clock) to our - thank noble donors - reactivated rely VHS film library: at the beginning and there is one of the best films 90s: "FARGO", the masterpiece of the brothers Joel and Ethan Coen.

Frances McDormand gives it a very pregnant policewoman whose legendary sigh "Jesse!" given the increasingly worsening investigation findings certainly have their place. William H. Macy
enthusiastic in his ideal cast Steve Buscemi as an idiot and the most nervous and therefore unpredictable most of the contemporary gangster cinema is dar. The film's great comic - great absurd - staged great - by far the best Coen film. He must have seen. (Wii: 16 years) think

for the brunch on Sunday to make Emmy and Liesl, a fondue with several special sauces and ingredients. Who here would like to participate, maybe even has an extra fondue dishes should please contact me.