Thursday, March 10, 2011

Brazilian Wax Styles Diagrams

Anläßlich der Vorstellung der Initiative SpeiseLokal!
gibt es eine Verkostung von regionalen Köstlichkeiten und

anschließend zeigen wir den Film
"farmer john"

Beginn: 18.30 Uhr
Filmstart ca. 20.30 Uhr

„Farmer John“ ist die epische Geschichte des einzelgängerischen Bauern John Peterson und seines Hofes „Angelic Farms“ in im Mittleren Westen der USA unweit von Chicago. Obwohl in der ländlichen Heimatgemeinde als von Gerüchten umwitterter Außenseiter misstrauisch beäugt, stemmt sich Peterson sein Leben lang als Einzelkämpfer in 3. Generation auf dem Hof seiner Familie furchtlos gegen Wirtschafkrisen und das große Farmensterben. Seine künstlerische Ader, stets aktiv von ihm in Szene gesetzt, und die daraus entstehenden persönlichen und wirtschaftlichen Zäsuren bringen ihn mehrmals an den Rande of personal bankruptcy. But his appreciation for land, farm work, fruit and vegetables to give him time and again the strength, courage and energy to open a new chapter of his life. Today the farm Angelic Organics is one of the largest "Community Owned Farms" (ie, a from a business point of view of families to share-based-using direct Erzeugerhof) in the United States, week after week, several thousand families in the greater Chicago with fresh, organically produced vegetable supplies.

"This documentary is a godsend. First, because it an example of the development of family farming (Not only in the U.S.) tells the other, because in the person of the Farmer John Peterson, a charismatic, sometimes eccentric figure presents with great entertainment value. There may be still not enough the likes of Farmer John Peterson. "

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Jewelry Design Course Ottawa

pictures haunting carnival

At 15 the great clock began haunting the carnival. The first guests were the first one and wobbled Children at the center.

Emily and Leonard did for the young masks a treasure hunt.

The photographer reveals: Secret drinking among young people: The pirate had brought rum

In the sporting outfit appeared George, our newly-elected - and not visibly proud - haunting umpire. (One must note majestic emblem on his helmet)
We are naturally delighted that we have such a serious hit umpire. A true gem of a man image. Someone can be sniffed everywhere
exposure daughter Lena did not want to confirm that day one hundred percent.
But, to paraphrase Karlsson on the Roof: So what bothers no great mind
Here is a Mask Parade:

Friedl came in an equally original and mysterious outfit
Superman Heinz tries to solve the riddle
Barbara as an attractive snake
gypsy Beatrice acts as make-up master
Lively discussions at the buffet in the kitchen

Billie has brought a tame crow which breeds on the back of his head.

Finally we went to the awards for the best masks. All participants agreed on. In children and adolescents Pirate Justin won - and was chairman of George his prize.
The two main prizes for the adults went to Brigitte, who provided a (used) OB for excitement, and Redneck Erika, her slightly overweight confidently put on display.
ago it was high in the next room on the Fußballbudel, wo sich dann heraus stellte, mit welcher Tätigkeit Kurt einen großen Teil seiner Jugend zugebracht hatte.

Bei den Jugendlichen war Emily wieder mal gefürchtet für ihre gnadenlosen Schüsse 
Burgfräulein Lea und der bereits etwas legerer gekleidete Pirat hatten damit ihre liebe Not.

Auf der Tanzfläche spielte mittlerweile The Redneck's seduction of

and attracts immediate attractive dance partner at
invited after midnight DJ Mozart finally to a "very sophisticated" show journey through music history of several centuries
gypsy Beatrice and Liesi in primary Masai costume dance Perfection in

OB and OB-man
Evelyn finally had to bear the consequences for it, that she has become involved with a black woman lider lichen.

the end, all agreed that this masked ball was a complete success and from now every season should take place inside the haunted.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Fake Ear Plugs In Canada

Full Monty

Today we show the clock from 20 spukskino the British film "The Full Monty".
At Wikipedia it says this:

The film will begin with a short film , the flourishing steel industry and the economic wealth and general prosperity of the northern English industrial town ; Sheffield in the early 1970s years represents. 25 years later in the same corrode the steel works which is industry largely shut down and rest for the trains - - City sees Gary "Gaz" Schoefield and Dave Osborne in their desperate attempt to make money by stealing steel beams from the old steel mills.
addition to his unemployment burden Gaz additional private problems. The mother of his son, Nathan, of which he has lived separately, before, to apply for sole custody , because he is with the child support payments in arrears. Nathan noted that his father, despite all the difficulties, efforts to him und hebt sogar Geld von seinem Sparbuch ab, um Gaz aus einem finanziellen Engpass zu helfen. Auch verteidigt er Gaz, als es zum Streit zwischen den beiden Elternteilen kommt.
Eines Tages beobachten Gaz, Dave und Nathan auf der Straße eine Schlange von Frauen, die sich wegen einer  Chippendales -Show vor dem  Pub  versammelt haben, den die drei ansteuern. Dies bringt Gaz auf die Idee, selbst eine solche Veranstaltung zu organisieren, um Geld für den  Kindesunterhalt  zu verdienen.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Genealogy Courses England

Linden Flower ...

Now slowly but surely all the winter somehow satisfied and, in the spring, delicate green and sunny yellow is longing, there was nothing closer than a Spring soap in just those colors. A delicate fragrance, just a touch, this should still underline.
The fragrance "linden" all my ideas seemed so as to combine a delicate Frühlingsseifchen.

Unfortunately, it is often different than you think and so very gently she would not be too much ...
read the forum could not prevent ...

The scent of
thickened faster than I could swirl und somit ist die Textur... na sagen wir mal... eher rustikal.

Verseift wurde Kokos, Raps, Palm, Reiskeim, Erdnuss und Rizinus.
Das Grün aus Pigment Grün und Maigrün, sowie Pigment Gelb.

Mein Elternhaus steht neben einer Kirche, in der riesige Lindenbäume standen. Glücklich waren wir darüber nicht wirklich, weil wir uns mit Laub und Blüten irgendwie das ganze Jahr rumschlagen mussten. Und überhaupt wachsen in unserer Gegend sehr viele Linden.
Ein wenig Schmöckern im Netz bringt einiges Interessantes über die Linde zu Tage...

Nämlich, dass es in vielen Orten eine Dorflinde gibt (was ich auch bestätigen kann), die das Zentrum des Ortes bildete und dem Austausch diente... & der Brautschau! 

Oder aber das Dorfgericht wurde dort abgehalten, weshalb die Linde auch "Gerichtsbaum" oder "Gerichtslinde" genannt wird.
Für die Germanen und die Slaven war es ein heiliger Baum und nach Kriegen oder (Pest)-epidemien wurden Friedenslinden gepflanzt. Einige gibt wohl noch, denn Linden können bis zu 1000 Jahre alt werden. 

was particularly interesting for me to learn, however, that the lime tree, especially but the lime leaf, the symbol of the Sorbian people.
Since we here in the Lower Lausitz middle of the Sorbs and family members the Sorbian ethnic group belong, I thought I should have known ... Well, now I'm smarter! And where there are so many interesting customs of the Sorbs. Well, sometimes yes and the most beautiful Easter eggs come is well known by the Sorbs - then you'll have a few pictures.

And lastly zur Linde is of course the poem by Wilhelm Müller mentioned, what with the well-known verse:

the fountain in front of the gates,
There stands a linden tree
träum't I in his shadow
many a sweet dream ...

begins and the unmistakable name: with "Der Lindenbaum" and has found its way into each song as a folk music book.

Oh, and the linden tree is probably as Freya, the North Germanic goddess of love and marriage, but what is not clear occupied. Maybe I should call it like ...? Freya and I like the idea too, if only the perfume oil is not so bitchy ... would

Spring hopeful regards, Anke

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Penn State College Wrestling Singlet

Nested ...

I was already late November the promo for the wonderful boxes of get designer boxes . The new year was already there ... and ...
Now she nests, too!
Well, my timing was very bad, because this was actually very pretty box for Valentine's Day for the thought "Hearts & Roses" soap ...

is not so bad, I find it so beautiful that it will find its destination in any case ...

tip for all the boxes also want to:
Appointed to you with absolutely the best templates to! I had the fact not only did!

The Love Hr. AliSavon was the one that began with the first boxes, namely with a specially planned for the olive soap box. As an individualist he was then only in parts to the instructions ... come

out is still a pretty box, only the effort ... Measure all individually ... phew, I want to not start at all!

so quickly ordered the appropriate templates and ready to start. The result for the other 4 boxes "still nameless" are ...

And as you see, it fits wonderfully into it. Intricately remained still, but has made great fun!

That certainly was not the last boxes. If only the selection of the papers would not be so difficult ... Tons of fantastically beautiful designs ... * Swarm *

And because it is now set so beautifully staged, of course, but still it needs a name ... Have I done this time really hard, and the point again, thanks for your help. In any case, I've read a lot and found out that the olive since earliest times in all sorts of cultures and religions had a very special place. A story I liked particularly. According to legend, namely carrying Poseidon and Athena, a Competition from. Winner should be the people who made Athens the quite useful gift. Poseidon chose for himself a well, the salt water led, Athena had an olive tree grown up, who was regarded as sacred by the Greeks. With this gift to Athena prevailed and now, the city named Athens ... So much for a very short mythology.

Athene appeared to me but not suitable for the rather rustic looking soap, so I finally for "the divine" decided that in Latin "Divina" means. And because I wanted it still does not sound right, they will " Divinae " hot, which means "the Divine" and for me it is still locked.
And because I promised a piece of soap, we have summarily thrown every 13 commentators and name finder in a pot and his son has drawn a lucky winner:

Love Happy "Friesenfan - and sign up with me!

And because the boxes has been so much fun, gabs for my boss birthday also still the same a handmade folder and the matching pen holder ... Must finally have everything its grain size!

Wishing you all a great rest of Sunday and who has nothing against that just browses the Christ Church Donation Shop ...
Eure Anke