Henna Session - Caution creepy! Damit ihr nicht are equally shocked, I'll start with the result:
Thus, all 8 - 10 weeks is gepampert we really, really ... So rumgesaut ! Jepp and believe me, it's high time
hairdresser I do not know, so you have ran for 20 years, Mr. Alisavon:
is stirred unzwar henna mud!
and then distributed properly!
This is - as you can see - made quite accurately. * * Tztztz
Note even the gloves! Because "no" he has made only the first time ...
Hihi, carrots hands were not yet suitable for daily use after 3 days ...
'm the end I felt extra 10kg on the bulb ... compare with of conventional chemical paint does not, which is sooo pretty simple ... Yep, but not good for the hair!
must then endure the sight of this family is still 3-6 hours (for you extra just a detail view, I want no one scare) ;-)
Have to hide but also a nice summer hat for the worst.
Well anyway, one wonders as seriously what is there at all is doing ...
But believe it ever since ...
folks love it, I paint it now for about 3 years with henna. The hair is long and healthy. If at all possible - increases to natural hair colors (! And financially) to (of course, who's concerns), but it's worth it just today I have again seen a really pretty girl - with totblondierten eroded fringes. This must not be!
am now at about 83cm, so my goal Steißlänge (92cm) is quite realistic for Christmas. And now when someone says, "Well that has yet NEN bang .." Yes, it has - but let's be honest:
Did not we all somehow 'nen bang?
And it's good!