Monday, January 31, 2011

Monster Energy Thong S

Blog Candy

This Contribution to 1 February are listed first. scroll for more articles just further down.

the occasion of the continuous rising number of visitors I would like to hold my first Blog Candy.

you can win a beautiful heart-shaped pocket.

What do you need it?

1) Just leave a comment in this post.

2) Linked the above image in your blog.

3) On 1 February I will abide by the lottery drum and draw the lucky Winner.

I would be happy if you do a little advertising for my blog.

Good luck, Natasha

Can I Go Tanning And Get My Eyebrows Done?

paper button chains

these unusual chains I had made of paper buttons, which I covered with plastic. If you are a creation of mine.

these chains I find totally awesome, because they are so colorful and crazy. My chain that I made is my absolute favorite. That fits almost any piece of clothing, because in the chain are so many different colors in it.

But see for yourself:

variant 1

variant 2

variant 3

I'm really excited how you like these unusual chains.

you'll find in my shop Dawanda .

LG, Natasha

Difference Between The Welcome And Greetings

Henna Session - Caution creepy!

Damit ihr nicht are equally shocked, I'll start with the result:

Thus, all 8 - 10 weeks is gepampert we really, really ... So rumgesaut ! Jepp and believe me, it's high time

hairdresser I do not know, so you have ran for 20 years, Mr. Alisavon:

is stirred unzwar henna mud!

and then distributed properly!
This is - as you can see - made quite accurately. * * Tztztz
Note even the gloves! Because "no" he has made only the first time ...

Hihi, carrots hands were not yet suitable for daily use after 3 days ...

'm the end I felt extra 10kg on the bulb ... compare with of conventional chemical paint does not, which is sooo pretty simple ... Yep, but not good for the hair!

must then endure the sight of this family is still 3-6 hours (for you extra just a detail view, I want no one scare) ;-)

Have to hide but also a nice summer hat for the worst.

Well anyway, one wonders as seriously what is there at all is doing ...
But believe it ever since ...

folks love it, I paint it now for about 3 years with henna. The hair is long and healthy. If at all possible - increases to natural hair colors (! And financially) to (of course, who's concerns), but it's worth it just today I have again seen a really pretty girl - with totblondierten eroded fringes. This must not be!

am now at about 83cm, so my goal Steißlänge (92cm) is quite realistic for Christmas. And now when someone says, "Well that has yet NEN bang .." Yes, it has - but let's be honest:

Did not we all somehow 'nen bang?

And it's good!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Pokemon On Ipod Cydia Source

Quote to Sunday

Strict moralists say 'To to be happy, we must condemn all passions off. This advice is about as good as if you like someone who complains of tight boots, says he should keep both feet amputated ', so he has no more frustration with the shoemaker.

- Johann Nepomuk Nestroy (1801-1862), Austrian playwright and actor

Friday, January 28, 2011

Nadine Jansen Shower Vid

Friday Filler # 96


first I think now I need to clean up times my Bastelkram .

second cake I love to eat with your fingers.

third The Jungle Camp at RTL is indeed totally disgusting, but in today's media world of absolute cult .

4th I'm happy , even in bad times.

5th As for coffee, I like the not even on the times.

6th The me is so cold today , which must be the weather.

7th What As for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to spending time with my loved ones , tomorrow I a day with my niece planned and Sunday I would like a long walk with my friend, hopefully great weather make !

power but also with the filler Friday.

LG, Natasha

Masterbateing Quotes

network truffle

I am now even the liberty to shorten your comments a bit.
Oink! Oink!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Denise Milani Baby Feeding

Jacquard Earrings

The basis for these 2 pairs of earrings I've made a jacquard fabric design, which I edited digitally on a PC.

The earrings look totally fine and I will they still do in some other colors because they please me totally good.

I look forward to your comments.

LG, Natasha

Mini Marshmallow Gun Plans

Zelig - Woody Allen as a human chameleon

It is already more than 20 years ago that I "Zelig," Woody Allen's comedy about a human chameleon, was last seen. The last movie night Barbara mentioned that she has a DVD of it and like me, also rose in other memories of this fascinating masterpiece. We agreed immediately, This will be our next film! Who has
"Zelig" not yet seen, should take the opportunity to see this classic. The film is very funny and is one of the smartest comedies in film history.

New York at the end of the twenties. Leonard Zelig has a special property: its uncertainty over other people he is fit mentally and physically to the particular environment. In the vicinity of gangsters he is, for example, even the gangsters. He is world famous for this property as a human chameleon. Among other scientists are taking to the psychiatrist, Dr. Eudora Fletcher of the case. She falls in love with him and heals him with intensive therapy short term. Again, problematic is the situation when Zeligs past is more and more into the public spotlight. There you will find former lover and wives, people who recognize him as their dentist and many others who are now demanding recourse. He fled to Germany where he is due to the external circumstances to the National Socialists. Eudora is looking for him and makes him on the Nazi Party located right behind Hitler.

In style and gesture of a perfect simulation of a popular documentary about a public figure. A masterful satire of pathos, hypocrisy, authenticity and affectation sensationalism a media-specific public, but also a cinematic essay on identity and adaptation in the modern world. (Encyclopedia of International Films)

The film uses both black and white and color sequences, the presence of shots are always colored. Were used including camera lenses from the twenties to create a smooth transition between the used newsreel footage and new material.
Famous intellectuals like Susan Sontag, Saul Bellow and Bruno Bettelheim to comment on the film's plot to make the movie seem like a real documentary.

As always begins the night club Friday from 19 clock, the movie, we start by 20 clock.

Attaching A Swing To A House

Logical Fallacies (16) - argument from repeating

Description: A claim is repeated so often that it is accepted as true.

Logical Structure: A is true. A is true. A is true. A is true. A is true. A is true. A is true. A is true. A is true. A is true. A is true. A is true. A is true. A is true. A ist wahr. A ist wahr. A ist wahr.

Beispiele: Nehmen wir doch als Beispiel die behauptete Unverzichtbarkeit  der Kirche/Religion für unsere Gesellschaft.
"Ich sehe auch nicht ein, warum wir unser bewährtes System aufgeben sollten, das ohnehin ganz andere Möglichkeiten für das Wirken der Kirche in Deutschland und für die Hilfe in anderen, gerade den armen Ländern eröffnet. Bisher hat noch niemand zeigen können, wie er die unweigerliche Schließung von kirchlichen Einrichtungen und Hilfeleistungen, den Verlust von Hunderttausenden Arbeitsplätzen und den Schaden für die Gesamtgesellschaft verantworten könnte."
- Bishop Müller, Source:
. Diakonie and his charities are important pillars of the social infrastructure in Germany, the full-time and volunteer forces of the Diakonia contribute greatly to social cohesion . "
- (meaning) Bundeskanzerlin Angela Merkel, Source:
"With the church tax, the Church contributes to the welfare of the people at the state and society, the church uses the tax for example for day care centers and schools. by which the State is relieved. The company survived, in no small Teil auch von der Kirchensteuer."
- (sinngemäß) Kardinal Lehman, Quelle:
"Obwohl ich nicht religiös bin, fürchte ich also eine gottlose Gesellschaft nicht weniger als jene, die religiös gebunden sind"
- Gregor Gysi, Quelle:

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cost Of Sebaceous Cyst Removal On Dog

Bath Cupcakes ...

Well, I was the "sweet tooth" not resist ...

After it has always failed because of the lack of mini muffin tin, I've now added to the country of purchase. Were thrown out because that is virtually ... Fortunately for me, bad luck for the ... Sometimes you just have patience, but this is what we are trained soap maker so ... * Cough *

Everything has worked like a charm! * Yay *
Have I made several basic recipes crafted my own and I am more than satisfied with the result.

The lower parts of: cocoa butter, shea butter, palm kernel oil, buttermilk powder, baking soda, citric acid, Mulsifan, cocoa powder and the smell wiedermal SS Dark Chokolate ... Delicious
The upper part similar, but scented with oats / milk / honey ... an unbeatable combination ... The whole hallway smells wonderful!

are the crumbs, after ElSapones hint of cocoa-colored with citric acid and make really great ...
*hach freu*

Sie stehen jetzt 2 Tage und sind gut hart geworden, habe ja auch bewusst auf Kokos verzichtet. Werde allerding trotzdem noch nach härteren Fetten Ausschau halten, denn irgendwie hab ich noch überhaupt keinen Plan wie ich diese kleinen Teilchen, übrigens je ca. 30g, denn so verpacken könnte... Und das Thema nimmt bei mir keinen unwesentlichen Stellenwert ein... *grübel* 
Aber mir wird schon was einfallen...


Spotty Vision And Tingling Fingers

blog birthday with Collchen

Collchen celebrates her blog soon with their first Birthday.

There are great things to win, so maybe you want to also participate.

Here's at her blog .

LG, Natasha

Should I Get New Track Spikes

Snoopy and theology

Ein r/atheism Fundstück

Monday, January 24, 2011

Silverado 427 Ss. For Sale

New fabrics from Japan and name search

Last week came some new fabrics from Japan.

I love these images overall:

Then I sewed a little and came out here three key fob and a pouch. The key fob I've tested the first time ... I like them so much that I will make some.

This adorable pouch has no name. I'm still an appropriate name for it ...

ALSO, I called a couple of name suggestions. The person whose name proposal like the most will receive from me a little thank you.

I'm looking forward to your suggestions for names.

LG, Natasha

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Gummy Bears In Blue Pack From The 1990s

Spa Chocolate ...

die Erste!!!

Und glaubt mir: Schkolade macht glücklich - sogar die hier!!! Hmhm...

Der große Junior meinte ob der Zweiteilung in Braun und Weiss: "Wow, sieht die stylisch aus! Hoffentlich hast du genau aufgeschrieben wie du´s gemacht hast!"...
Yes, boy, I got it! I always do. And so I suppose to know where the "error" was. I have it done that is not the molds with melted chocolate bath to transport into the cold. After about half a meter was only half in the form ... I've always said this: Working in the restaurant I'd never be able to - the low score would only get half the beers . So were the forms 3 hours in the living room warm enough and that Brown is obviously heavier than white ...
Joking aside, she really looked so very funny indeed, but unfortunately because two panels had defects:

everything was melted down again.
In variant 1 was a lot of cocoa butter, then Shea, Jojoba, chocolate, Mulsifan and fragrance.
came after melting then used in version 2 is still a little more cocoa butter and chocolate and butter milk powder.
The shapes on a board with equal and take a deep breath - hold your breath - refrigerator door open before - into the fridge! Spill was inevitable, but with much concentration, it was actually in bounds! I'm lernfähg!

And now is the result I can live with. Yummy chocolate! And the Family is of the opinion that I must pack up veeery far away, because it looks so real and mainly sniffs - after dark .... Chokolate hm, yummy ...

Plmd Natural Remedies

And then let the priest

Ein r/atheism Fundstück

Vegetarian Minnentonka Like Boots

quote come to Sunday

Wer in Glaubensfragen den Verstand befragt, kriegt unchristliche Antworten.

- Wilhelm Busch (1832-1908), dt. Dichter und Zeichner

Friday, January 21, 2011

Bloody Blotches On Uvula

Lock & Socks & Cords & flowers ...

The love Hellcat I was recently brought to my attention that I've posted so long ago no longer hairstyle photos. Yep, that's right!
I used to be very much in the long hair on the road network, now more in Soap Forum ... hm, my day is clearly not enough hours, but my goal for Christmas 2011: Steißlänge !
So now isses raus! Das heisst also wieder Nichtbeachtung für die Haare (ja, dann wachsen sie nämlich nebenbei) und immer schön hochstecken ( dann wachsen sie auch nebenbei!)! 

Bei der Aktion "Weihnachtsengel", sind auch ein paar hübsche Fotos entstanden, die ich euch nicht vorenthalten möchte:

So als Glatthaar wünscht man sich ja immer Locken und ein Weihnachtsengel hat numal Locken, also hat´s mir besonders viel Spass gemacht...

Aber das sind ja keine Frisuren!

Eine Frise, die in den letzten 1-2 Jahren Jahren eine regelrechte Renaissance erlebt hat, ist der Sockendutt ! 
Und ja, da ist tatsächlich ne Socke vom Junior drin. Hmhm! Natürlich frisch gewaschen! Wiedereinmal Eine von denen, wo die Waschmaschine den Partner verschwinden lassen hat... Zehen abgeschnitten und Socke aufgerollt. Dann einen festen Pferdeschwanz und von den Spitzen an den Sockenring aufrollen - fertig! 
sticking everything!

And if it should be again a little more impressive than a profane Sockendutt, then just simply a Kordeldutt with Bluemke :

ponytail pretty tight , the cords and then somehow drape around the base. Right where the final end was put out and it also looks a little messy - just install a flower - that's it!

Für alle die sich das mit den Blümchen nicht trauen: In einem Supermarkt, den ich ca. alle 3 Wochen mal aufsuche gibt es eine Verkäuferin mit raspelkurzen Haaren! Diese modische Kurzhaarfrisur wird offensichtlich mit einwenig Gel in Form gebracht und immer mit einem Blümchen aufgepeppt, irgendwo zwischen rechter Schläfe und rechtem Ohr, immer eine andere Blume! 
Was soll ich euch sagen? - Ich freu mich jedesmal wenn ich die Verkäuferin  sehe, weil sie was von Frühling hat, obwohl sie schon zum Herbst gehört.  
Also - traut euch!

And in this sense I wish you a nice weekend!