Saturday, March 5, 2011

Jewelry Design Course Ottawa

pictures haunting carnival

At 15 the great clock began haunting the carnival. The first guests were the first one and wobbled Children at the center.

Emily and Leonard did for the young masks a treasure hunt.

The photographer reveals: Secret drinking among young people: The pirate had brought rum

In the sporting outfit appeared George, our newly-elected - and not visibly proud - haunting umpire. (One must note majestic emblem on his helmet)
We are naturally delighted that we have such a serious hit umpire. A true gem of a man image. Someone can be sniffed everywhere
exposure daughter Lena did not want to confirm that day one hundred percent.
But, to paraphrase Karlsson on the Roof: So what bothers no great mind
Here is a Mask Parade:

Friedl came in an equally original and mysterious outfit
Superman Heinz tries to solve the riddle
Barbara as an attractive snake
gypsy Beatrice acts as make-up master
Lively discussions at the buffet in the kitchen

Billie has brought a tame crow which breeds on the back of his head.

Finally we went to the awards for the best masks. All participants agreed on. In children and adolescents Pirate Justin won - and was chairman of George his prize.
The two main prizes for the adults went to Brigitte, who provided a (used) OB for excitement, and Redneck Erika, her slightly overweight confidently put on display.
ago it was high in the next room on the Fußballbudel, wo sich dann heraus stellte, mit welcher Tätigkeit Kurt einen großen Teil seiner Jugend zugebracht hatte.

Bei den Jugendlichen war Emily wieder mal gefürchtet für ihre gnadenlosen Schüsse 
Burgfräulein Lea und der bereits etwas legerer gekleidete Pirat hatten damit ihre liebe Not.

Auf der Tanzfläche spielte mittlerweile The Redneck's seduction of

and attracts immediate attractive dance partner at
invited after midnight DJ Mozart finally to a "very sophisticated" show journey through music history of several centuries
gypsy Beatrice and Liesi in primary Masai costume dance Perfection in

OB and OB-man
Evelyn finally had to bear the consequences for it, that she has become involved with a black woman lider lichen.

the end, all agreed that this masked ball was a complete success and from now every season should take place inside the haunted.


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