Sunday, February 27, 2011

Penn State College Wrestling Singlet

Nested ...

I was already late November the promo for the wonderful boxes of get designer boxes . The new year was already there ... and ...
Now she nests, too!
Well, my timing was very bad, because this was actually very pretty box for Valentine's Day for the thought "Hearts & Roses" soap ...

is not so bad, I find it so beautiful that it will find its destination in any case ...

tip for all the boxes also want to:
Appointed to you with absolutely the best templates to! I had the fact not only did!

The Love Hr. AliSavon was the one that began with the first boxes, namely with a specially planned for the olive soap box. As an individualist he was then only in parts to the instructions ... come

out is still a pretty box, only the effort ... Measure all individually ... phew, I want to not start at all!

so quickly ordered the appropriate templates and ready to start. The result for the other 4 boxes "still nameless" are ...

And as you see, it fits wonderfully into it. Intricately remained still, but has made great fun!

That certainly was not the last boxes. If only the selection of the papers would not be so difficult ... Tons of fantastically beautiful designs ... * Swarm *

And because it is now set so beautifully staged, of course, but still it needs a name ... Have I done this time really hard, and the point again, thanks for your help. In any case, I've read a lot and found out that the olive since earliest times in all sorts of cultures and religions had a very special place. A story I liked particularly. According to legend, namely carrying Poseidon and Athena, a Competition from. Winner should be the people who made Athens the quite useful gift. Poseidon chose for himself a well, the salt water led, Athena had an olive tree grown up, who was regarded as sacred by the Greeks. With this gift to Athena prevailed and now, the city named Athens ... So much for a very short mythology.

Athene appeared to me but not suitable for the rather rustic looking soap, so I finally for "the divine" decided that in Latin "Divina" means. And because I wanted it still does not sound right, they will " Divinae " hot, which means "the Divine" and for me it is still locked.
And because I promised a piece of soap, we have summarily thrown every 13 commentators and name finder in a pot and his son has drawn a lucky winner:

Love Happy "Friesenfan - and sign up with me!

And because the boxes has been so much fun, gabs for my boss birthday also still the same a handmade folder and the matching pen holder ... Must finally have everything its grain size!

Wishing you all a great rest of Sunday and who has nothing against that just browses the Christ Church Donation Shop ...
Eure Anke

Friday, February 25, 2011

Shark Birthday Invitation Ideas

Schildi soon on tour?

The sad event of last week that the terrible earthquake in New Zealand is certainly forget him.
Now it is for us, because the tinkering and building and Friemeln the opportunity to help . Layer each according to his Möglichkeiten. Die liebe Christine hat einen Dawanda-Shop eingerichtet. Dieser dient ausschliesslich als Spendenaktion für Christchurch. 

Wer also etwas spenden möchte, kann ganz problemlos sein Produkt dort einstellen lassen und der Verkaufserlös wird einem guten Zweck zugeführt .

Und wer dann schon mal auf dem Shop vorbeischaut, kann gleich mal stöbern, was es da für wunderbare Dinge zu kaufen gibt - und täglich werden es mehr.

To the shop you come from, if you just click on the banner above.
quickly So out and shopping like crazy!

We have decided to separate ourselves from our cherished turtle. It is a very emotional farewell, but when going on tour turtle, it's truly for a good cause .

Schutt Ion 4d Vs Schutt Air Xp

carnival, Friday Film and GM decisions

Vergangenen Freitag um 18 Uhr wurde phenomena reported in the first general assembly held in club history. The association is now officially a board that was elected unanimously.
chairman, Georg Tappeiner, Maria Anzbach (Deputy: Erika Reimer, Starzing), Secretary: Bert Ehgartner, Starzing (Deputy: Friedl Eppel, Haguenau), Treasurer: Gabi Leitner, Maria Anzbach (Deputy: Barbara Hecht, Neulengbach). act as auditors Tassilo Halbritter, Neulengbach and Heinz Voigt, Vienna, Haguenau.
The board members and auditors will be communicated to the authorities and society so that we are now officially a normal club. Since the previous statutes were tentative, they were in some respects adapted to discussion and unanimously adopted. If required, the rules applicable to all full members are clear. As regular members are defined as those having an annual membership. The current membership fees be maintained.
negotiations regarding the lease agreement were assigned to the Board of a relevant Board meeting is scheduled for the next few weeks.
So much for the formals. Overall, the mood was good. There was optimism that it succeeds in its second year of existence, to increase the number of members to organize new events and the overall haunting to fill with life.

This weekend will show that again on Saturday when the first haunting Faschingsfest stattfindet. Beginn ist um 15 Uhr am Nachmittag, wo zunächst die verkleideten Kinder im Mittelpunkt stehen. Geplant ist eine Schatzsuche, Tänze, Spiele - und die Wahl der schönsten Masken. Das gilt auch für die Erwachsenen: Wir wollen uns mal wieder richtig schön verkleiden. Ich bin schon gespannt, was Euch einfällt.

Am Abend gibt uns DJ Fred vom Jupiter die Ehre und wird aus seinem reichen Fundus an Tanzmusik auflegen.

Einige haben sich bereits bereit erklärt, etwas früher zu kommen und bei der Dekorierung zu helfen. Gern gesehen sind Mitbring-Schmankerl für das gemeinsame Buffet - und natürlich Ideen für lustige Spiele oder Tänze.

Now we come to the movie tonight (club night starts from 19 clock, films from 20 clock). This is clearly one of the best and funniest movies of all time: Charlie Chaplin in "City Lights".
This masterpiece of comedy is a must see. Charlie Chaplin as a tramp - as he is found asleep on a solemn memorial unveiled. How he saves a drunken millionaire stock that wants to drown in the harbor, as he is - to earn money for a blind flower seller - takes up to a boxing match. Excellently choreographed slapstick to die for.
So do not miss it. Also, your children (all ages), the sure to please.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Dance Pop Upclothing Rack

Fri AliSavon thoughtful ...

I should already be in bed, but Hr. AliSavon is to work tomorrow morning, the children already in bed shipped and hopefully sweet dreams ... have had a last look at the blog, it might even someone with absolutely the ultimate idea for the olive oil soap ..., no, nothing new ... oh but woman dwarf has also set grad still something funny - a smile on my lips ...

this blog I have opened here solely because of the Seiferei. The Soap Forum (which for me was indeed a step!) I've seen all these wonderful blogs. I wanted to. Share with you, have fun, learn Kenen people ... Other Hobbies (hairstyles, liquor, mustard ...) came about. And sometimes something personal.
My list of blogs that I follow has grown steadily, allowing my limited time I am just as quickly over to scurry around and leave a comment now and again.

Sometimes isses different. Today. Dead silence around me (no, I do not need a TV as background music), for difficult tasks (such as the upcoming tax return), it's too late, but I'm grad to dwarfs side and got the grin ... Without a plan, I just click to see someone in your readers' list and ended up with Allerlei to order as just one calf is born, or as sheep, dogs and cats living together in harmony. And already I must leave intact the soap world ...
Another click on the reading list of "Allerlei" brings me to thicknesses old woman , when I discover a dearest little puppy baby and actually again already walk, namely on their reading list to Jonathan on whose blog I with many Photos are welcome ... This is not tinkered ... Here are people, old and young, healthy and sick. Jonathan is particularly, he has Down syndrome. In the last post from Jonathan is also equal to a reference refers to another blog, in the reading list by Jonathan at the top: The extra-ordinarily blog by Robert . Robert is a child and his Authist Mama had to deal with a blog comment. may have a comment that has done its very painful because it came to how to "such" Children love at all ... Of course I was shocked
how someone can write such a comment of a mother. But I class finds that it has not simply deleted it!

At this point I have my "blog tour" completed for today. I am deeply touched and surprised by how open, honest, caring, sincere and competent to be reported here. But it is also affected, such as "just plain stupid," but some think ...

from hat to the courage to so as to make known, but I think it is on the way back quite a lot, because in real life, one stands alone, but usually there ...

Oh my, what kind of a problem when a phytoestrogen cream of wheat fabricated? - None at all!

Sleep well ...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

How To Naturally Shrink The Polyps In Your Nose

77% Olive ...

I wanted ... sometimes!
And so I present you my now long-term project:
77% Olive, Babassu & 20% 3% castor oil before :

This wonderful Seifchen ist nämlich die "Letzte Seife 2010" und am 29.12.2010 gesiedet worden. Farbe kam keine rein, dafür aber der Duft "Ingwer-Soufflee", der dann später die Farbgebung übernommen hat..., denn in der Blockform sah´s noch so aus:

Ein schönes Gelb. Und die Konsistenz war Klasse für ein wenig Struktur.

Nach einer Stunde war dann schon richtig Action im Kasten. Die Gelphase ist nicht zu übersehen. Und trotzdem hatten wir nach dem Ausformen einen schönes zartes Beige.

Then I suddenly saw all these beautiful Thai-ram ... Well, Christmas was over and really wanted to I can not afford. So had Mr.. AliSavon ran and I rig up a personal stamp, containing just something for me! And because he has done so well, he could also take the same stamping ... Somehow it makes me so no fun ... * Shame *

Sorry, did not coincide with Mica, that does not want to keep anyway. No problem, only used once solo, but that is only half the story ...

By the way, was the stamp campaign in mid-January and one can already clearly see the color change ...

Here's a little pimped, the piece makes her even more ...

But somehow I had even imagined green and gold ... So Goldmica mixed with pea green and followed with a soft brush every single piece of soap the tree and the leaf ... Phew, that was a Gefriemel. But it was worth it:

And while I write here so, I notice that the good piece has no name and I will also think of no absolutely. So at least nothing more creative than "Olivia" or "Oliba" or ... no, everything is nothing real ...

So if you think what is right Tolles, who let me know. The person who suggests the name for this soap is accepted (will meet in the Family) ... can then call a piece of his own!

Und eine passende Verpackung hab ich auch noch nicht, aber da zerbrech ich mir selber den Kopf!

Wünsch euch Allen noch eine schönen Restsonntag und morgen einen guten Start in die neue Woche!

Friday, February 18, 2011

1099 G Illinois Unemployment

Kordeldutt ...

...ja, ich hab nicht vergessen, dass ich versprochen habe auch immer wieder mal Frisurenfotos einzustellen.
Das heisst heute allerdings, dass ihr mit einem zerfruddelten Dutt leben müsst. Nämlich den von Heute, den ich eben erst am Abend fotografieren lassen konnte. Aber weil ich den Kordeldutt so selten bei hab, ist er es wert hier zu landen:

Eigentlich ist es ja ein Rose-Bun , will heissen: Einen ordentlich festen Pferdeschwanz machen, dann alles zu einer Kordel drehen und um die Basis wickeln. Wenn mann das irgendwie hingebogen hat, siehts auch halbwegs nach einer Rose aus. Siehe nächstes Foto (was allerdings schon mal hier auf dem Blog zu sehen war):

Gut, nun hab ich aber  , nicht Rund, sondern Oval gewickelt. Die linke Seite habt you saw above and in the middle looks like this:

... So sooo Oversized me came from all ... Hm, real problems with the Selbswahrnehmung ... Photos should not lie, right? ... Well anyway here are by law:

how the whole thing tonight frayed already abundant, but still recognizable. Oh, and as you see, you can always fit in the places that you like (... or who need it ;-)) a flower ...

I found the whole thing in a neat variation of nearly Exactly one year!
Should this now as I would have called 365 Frisen have in stock ...? 'm Sorry, I do not, but every now and available here has something new - I promise!


Wishing you a great weekend!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Scategories Online Multiplayer

First General Assembly of the haunting

morning, Friday is from 18 clock instead of inside the haunted the first general election with the Board.
second agenda item "Any other". It will probably be about the future direction of the haunting. To
new events, new ideas: What has been proven in the first haunted year, which should change to the haunting more attractive?
Following the AGM, we will show from 20 clock the movie "Mars Attacks," a wild attack on the funny bone with a huge star-studded.
Please come in number - so we can share the haunting position for a bright future :-)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What Is Normal Level Formlupus Anticoangulant

So close


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Fredericton Car Audio

's Heart & Roses ...

Now it is almost ready, that is tomorrow and the
is coming. So now I use the time quiet, pretty gloomy Sunday, to show you my post, although I must admit that I commercialized by such "I-must-give-what-days" do not hold much ... I could not completely escape me that is the subject, because it simply has itching in the fingers ... this addiction but also ...

can maybe still one or the other remember my Herzchendesaster ... The banners did not go away from the mold, so others had to be tinkered. They looked like this:

Well, on their way, they are indeed smart, but because I do not annoy me so let have, then tried again with "I" transparent soap. And lo and behold ... no pixie hats remarked

Yes, just as I imagined!

The soap itself is of course a nursing bomb from coconut oil, almond oil, babassu oil, rice germ oil, sesame oil and peanut oil. Scented with perfume oil "Rose Garden". Additional salt and sugar was in the soap batter.

It has become very hard and somehow quite smooth on the sides. And the smell erst. .. So very fitting for Valentine ...

And for this snow-white, I did not even used TiO, namely that I do not like much.

And then we went to the name and packaging.

I got a little to Graphics Fairy browsed, which is an absolutely brilliant site ... and have also become fast. Everything fit together with the motif: "Heart's & Roses" should they now called, look & smell ... And the template I needed to change only slightly and is provided with writing.

Now that I have not so many people ... (Why not? .. ;-)... I think it can be quite good given away on other occasions to a dear person.

now though, for all of you:
"Happy Valentine"
and wishes you a nice week AliSavon!

Pink And Brown Damask Invitations

Quote to Sunday

It is idle to talk of it that we want to win souls for God. God is so helpless that he could not win on its own soul for yourself? Religion is always a personal matter for each individual.

- Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948), ind. Politician and reformer

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bluetooth For Straighttalk Phones

I'm flat ...

... sooo nice things you can do ...
But I'll start at the beginning! True to the motto "Frech will continue" I've woman dwarf left after viewing a beautiful felt flowers a sad commentary ... Nope, just was not it, but the love dwarf could still read between the lines and do not miss this afternoon I got out of the mailbox have:

Are not simply mistaken? So I am speechless, just flat. They're soooo beautiful love dwarf - let up ! Hug! And for that, the dwarf gets no later than Easter Brunch the delicious mustard to has ever eaten a hearty Easter little water on top of that! I promise!

And then I've kept from you even more.

fact I get it all off this beautiful parcel with the true treasures of the love ElSapone . In return, their kiddies were swamping the stomach to Christmas cookies. I could not think of me * shame *, but the soap, lip balm and body butter are already in use. It all a dream ...

Und noch ein bissl eher, nämlich bei einem kleinen feinen Neujahrswichteln, hab ich diese tollen Sachen von der lieben fyo bekommen. Wunderschöne Tags, und eine superschicke Schachtel in der ich sie jetzt aufbewahre, Seife, Süsses...Alles was das Herz begehrt!

Euch Dreien an dieser Stelle noch mal vielen lieben Dank und fühlt euch ordentlich gedrückt. Mein Jahr hat echt toll angefangen!!!

Und weils mir natürlich gleich in den Fingern gejuckt hat, musste ich sofort the great fiddle felt flowers in my hair. The friezes, we can now times out of eight, but now I had no nerve. Not so wild, because if you look forward to the hair, if such a felt flower's inside ...???

floret No. 1 into a tousled Gibson ...

... hach \u200b\u200b...

flowers No 2 fits in perfectly as well ...

only 3 I have not tried it yet, I have to me something Besonderes einfallen lassen, die ist recht imposant...

Ja und zur Info, normal sieht ein Gibson etwa so aus, das Bild ist aber schon ein paar Tage alt...

Und dann noch ein schnelles Flechtgeknoddel, weil ich das Band mit einbauen wollte...

Und jetzt muss ich erst mal an meinen Kleiderschrank, um mir die passenden Sachen zum Haarschmuck für morgen raus zu legen...
hihi, jeder hat halt so its priorities ... NEN or just bang ...