In view of some blog closures, so private no longer falls into the public, I've been wondering if I present a few photos of our trip show. Since this blog but never to live only by soap and I do not think that a visit to the capital of our CVs could be detrimental, but I decided to report.
the occasion of the birthday of Lord AliSavon we have decided that is time to wander a bit in the near distance and to not perform the fireside a sumptuous meal ... So we went to Berlin on Friday.
With incredible winds and rain drops landed on his face like needles, my 3 men were still on Friday evening for a walk "from the" East Side Gallery "take with me ... And even this passage along the wall, coupled with the inclement weather really left me with a kind of concern, coupled with pride. Especially when one observes the current developments in other countries, we can be proud of!
The young people see the well known, more pragmatic, which is not bad.
Everyone lives in his time - we let them live in their time, but has been silent about what.
I was really impressed by the many beautiful works of art. And it has once again shown that it usually goes away and things have not yet seen in the vicinity.
On Saturday morning we went to the city center and a small visit to a famous soap shop also had to be ...
Danach war Kultur angesagt. Nur leider war die Schlange vorm Pergamon- museum soooo lang, dass wir spontan ument- scheiden mussten...
Vorbei am imposanten Berliner Dom (eingehüllt in dunklen Wolken), kamen wir, mehr vom Winde getragen und von Windböen geschubst, zum DDR-Museum...
Nun, das war dann Nostalgie pur und ich wurde mehr mit einem weinenden als mit einem lachenden Auge an unseren damaligen Alltag erinnert. Viele kleine Dinge, die man nie vergessen wird, auch Einige, die man wanted to forget ... Now, a few props and we could then also provide one or the other story had to listen to our guys will also ...
should highlight of our trip in Berlin will be the visit to a Japanese restaurant, because we in the "Pampa" does not even exist! Support a worthy Geburtstagsmahl.
it was then. The cook slept properly to the wheel, we and the kids had fun and everything tasted delicious.
With fat bellies we went to the hotel and had two really nice, but exhausting days behind us.
begins for us a new work week, for the guys the 2nd Half-time - Winter Holiday ade ...
So, get going ...
(... into the first bed ...)
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